Classroom Happenings 5/13/19

There is a rumor that we may actually have spring this week with a few warm days. Hopefully, we will be able to get outside and enjoy it some. The kids are getting pretty restless as we close out the year.

Math:  We tested on our fraction unit last week. If your child didn’t do well in all of the areas, please remember that this was their first time exposed to fractions. They will have more next year and every year after that. They were not expected to master fractions in the third grade. We are going back to Unit 5 to work on one and two step story problems. This should take us to just about the end of the school year.

Writing: We made our biography people to hold our reports in on Friday. If your child was not yet finished with their final draft, it was sent home to complete. Please have them finish that up as soon as possible and return it to school. This week they will be reading about an animal they have chosen and writing an informational report on what they learned.

Biography Museum: The kids are already so excited about our upcoming museum. You will be amazed by how much they know about their person.  Please help your child be prepared for our museum which will be held on Tuesday, June 4 from 1:30 – 2:15.

Spelling: Your child should have brought home his/her spelling words on Friday. This weeks words(Week 25) focus on adding the suffixes tion, sion, ment, er, and est.

The list is posted below:

Social Studies: The kids had a ton of fun participating in “The Case of the Missing Puppy” court case. It was a great culmination activity for our government unit. Below is a little snip-it of their performance.

“The Case of the Missing Puppy



We are taking some time to learn about animals. Even though there will be no report card grades for science, this unit is from the Common Core curriculum and will eventually be part of the third-grade requirements.

Reading: We finished reading and reporting on the book “The Jacket,” and now between testing the kids one last time on their reading levels, they will have an opportunity to read in mini book clubs or choose to read a book of their own interest independently.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. It is best to contact me via email. I check that frequently, so will be able to respond in a more timely manner.

Bitmoji Image Mrs. Flory