Classroom Happenings 1/29/18

  • MATH–  Study Island weekly homework assignment for the week of 1/29/18 has been activated. Please have your child complete the 12 questions by Friday morning. They can do it over the course of the week or all at one time. Whatever works best for you and your family. If the kids have questions about the math you are more than welcome to assist them. If your child is unable to complete this assignment at home, they will need to stay in during a recess period to complete it at school. 
  • MATH– MobyMax is still required Monday-Thursday for five minutes each night.  I will also continue to have all kids practice fluency here at school. 🙂

Writing- Last week we generated ideas and made a plan for a realistic fiction story. This week we will begin our first drafts. 

Reading- We are four to five chapters into our series chapter books. The kids seem to be enjoying reading  and discussing their books with their classmates. 

Spelling- Week #19; This week’s study feature is long e spelled with  ee, ea,  and ending in y.

 Math- Unit #4- Multidigit Addition and Subtraction using place value drawings to prove answers.

Social Studies- Michigan History:  British in  Michigan test will be Tuesday, January 30. Please make sure your child has studied for this test. British Michigan Study Guide  We have learned that the British did take over the fur trade, which caused many conflicts between the British and the Native Americans led by Chief Pontiac. The British controlled the fur trade for around 30 years until we became the United States of America. 

Valentines Day Party: will take place on Wednesday, February 14 from 11:30 -12:15. Valentine boxes and Valentines should be brought in by the morning of February 14. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Flory