Summer Slide

Dear Parents,    

Studies have shown that students can lose up to 50% of learning during the summer vacation.   Georgetown is challenging you and your child to “KEEP ON LEARNING” this summer to prevent summer slide.  There are two ways to record your learning time:

Our goals for students over the summer are below. Students who reach or exceed goals will be entered into a drawing for an Amazon Gift Card (1 per grade). This is for their grade next year.


Reading Minutes Mobymax
  • First Grade: 100 minutes
  • Second Grade: 200 minutes
  • Third Grade: 300 minutes
  • Fourth Grade: 400 minutes
  • Fifth Grade:  400 minutes
  • First Grade: 100 pts
  • Second Grade: 200 pts
  • Third Grade: 300 pts
  • Fourth Grade: 400 pts
  • Fifth Grade:  500 pts

READING:  Log into  this form  to record the number of minutes you read.  You can record each day or enter the total for each week.


Login in will be username

If your child is new to the school and you would like login information, email Mrs. Reagan.

Have a great summer…and keep on learning with READING and MOBYMAX!


School Supply List


School Supply List

Gym shoes to be left at school for Physical Education class.

(Remember you can’t participate without gym shoes)

Also Helpful:

  • Large back pack (one that will hold snow clothes in winter too)
  • 2 composition books (usually a black speckled cover bound, not spiral)
  • 2 spiral notebooks
  • 5 plastic folders: one of each color (red, yellow, blue, green, and a choice color)
  • 1- 1 inch binder with pockets (a view binder would be optimal)
  • Pencil pouch – pencil boxes are too large for our desks
  • 2 glue sticks (large size)
  • Scissors (if you have them)
  • Pens for editing and correcting your work: (one blue and one red)
  • Highlighter
  • 4 dry erase markers (the skinny type work best and be sure to label them with your name)
  • Post-It notes

Each Student Should Bring One Each for the Classroom to Share

  • 1 box of band-aids – girls
  • 1 box of tissues – boys and girls
  • 1 container of disinfectant wipes – boys

Please label all items with your child’s name. We find many items on the floor.

Don’t worry if you are not able to get the items on the list.

I have a few of these items at school that I will share with you.

I have markers, colored pencils and crayons to share with everyone. If you would like to donate some of these items to enrich our supply that would be wonderful.

See you at the OPEN HOUSE on August 21 from 6:30-7:30 pm!

Earn Cash for our School

Welcome Third Graders

WELCOME TO THIRD GRADE!   We are going to have such an amazing year together!  I can’t wait to meet you and come together as a class! :)

While you are here, be sure to sign up for email updates. You can sign up in the upper right corner of this blog where it says “Subscribe by Email.” Once you enter your email address and register, you will receive notifications of my blog posts.

It is important that you subscribe to the class blog. Our class blog will be the site for information about school supplies, curriculum, assessment, and much more.  A school supply list will be posted on July 1.

Have a safe and happy summer and I’ll see you at our Open House on Wednesday, August 21st @ 6:30!

Mrs. Flory

Classroom Happenings 6/3/19

The last week of school seems to have come so quickly. I am as ready as the kids for summer break, but it is always hard to come to term with the fact that your children will no longer be an everyday part of my life. Although they will no longer be in my class, they will always be one of my kids. I am open for hugs whenever they need one.

Field Trip: Thank you to all of the parents who chaperoned or joined us at Hagar Park for lunch. It was a very fun day for everyone. Enjoy the short video below.

Items needed for last week of school:

Monday: Gameday – Please bring in a board or card game to play with your classmates.

Wednesday: Desk and locker clean out – Please bring in a bag to pack up all of your items.

Friday: Electronics Day – Bring in any electronic device you would like to play with – ipad, tablet, computer, phone. If you do not have one, you can use one of the computers we have at school.

Have a great summer!

Mrs. Flory


Classroom Happenings 5/28/19

Here we go! A field trip on Tuesday, a talent show on Friday, last ten days activities, and finishing up the last of our third-grade academics will make the next 81/2 days fly by.

Image result for meijer gardensField Trip: Tomorrow is our field trip to Meijer Garden and Hagar Park. I just looked at the weather forecast and it is saying the rain will hold off until later in the day. But, since they haven’t been correct all weekend, we better plan for rain and come prepared with raincoats and umbrellas. Your child will also need a paper sack lunch and a drink. (NO LUNCH BOXES) please. If the rain holds off, we will eat at Hagar Park. If it doesn’t, we will go back to school and eat in the classroom.

Math:  We will be testing on Unit 5 on Wednesday and will wind math up with some review of all we have learned.

Writing: School Uniform Homework is due Wednesday. Please make sure your child returns his/her homework where they were asked to collect opinions about whether kids should have to wear school uniforms.

Biography Museum: Hopefully your child is already preparing for the biography museum. We will be presenting for you on Tuesday, June 4 Tuesday, June 4 from 1:30 – 2:15.


Spelling: Last week was our last spelling list. This week we will test with the spelling inventory which will determine the spelling lesson your child ended the school year on.

Image result for science

We will finish up learning about vertebrates and take a look at animal adaptations.

Reading: All of the kids are tested. If your child reached level R in the winter, they may not have been tested because we do not test further than R in the third grade.  The kids continue to enjoy reading in mini book clubs or to reading books of their own interest independently.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. It is best to contact me via email. I check that frequently, so will be able to respond in a more timely manner.

Bitmoji Image Mrs. Flory

Classroom Happenings 5/20/19

It is hard to believe that we are entering the last three weeks of school. We have learned so much this year and are all ready to move on to the fourth grade. As we wrap up the third grade please know how much having your child as part of my classroom has meant. Watch for emails and postings on activities that will take place to close out the year.

Math:  We are working our way through  Unit 5 and will wind math with some review of all we have learned.

Writing: Our last writing/social studies unit has the kids learning about public issues and learning to take a stand on a public issue. They will be bringing home some survey questions for you to complete to get opinions the public issue they will be writing about.

Biography Museum: Hopefully your child is already preparing for the biography museum. We will be presenting for you on Tuesday, June 4 Tuesday, June 4 from 1:30 – 2:15.

Spelling: Your child should have brought home his/her spelling words on Friday. This weeks words(Week 26) focus on prefixes re, dis, un, im, and in.

The list is posted below:

We have been learning about vertebrates and invertebrates. Last week we learned the 4B’s (breath, babies, body covering, and blood) of amphibians and mammals. This week we will learn about reptiles and birds.

Reading: I have been working hard to get reading levels tested and will continue to do so. I am happy to report that the kids have all worked hard to improve their reading and have shown tremendous growth.  They are enjoying reading in mini book clubs or to reading books of their own interest independently.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. It is best to contact me via email. I check that frequently, so will be able to respond in a more timely manner.

Bitmoji Image Mrs. Flory

Classroom Happenings 5/13/19

There is a rumor that we may actually have spring this week with a few warm days. Hopefully, we will be able to get outside and enjoy it some. The kids are getting pretty restless as we close out the year.

Math:  We tested on our fraction unit last week. If your child didn’t do well in all of the areas, please remember that this was their first time exposed to fractions. They will have more next year and every year after that. They were not expected to master fractions in the third grade. We are going back to Unit 5 to work on one and two step story problems. This should take us to just about the end of the school year.

Writing: We made our biography people to hold our reports in on Friday. If your child was not yet finished with their final draft, it was sent home to complete. Please have them finish that up as soon as possible and return it to school. This week they will be reading about an animal they have chosen and writing an informational report on what they learned.

Biography Museum: The kids are already so excited about our upcoming museum. You will be amazed by how much they know about their person.  Please help your child be prepared for our museum which will be held on Tuesday, June 4 from 1:30 – 2:15.

Spelling: Your child should have brought home his/her spelling words on Friday. This weeks words(Week 25) focus on adding the suffixes tion, sion, ment, er, and est.

The list is posted below:

Social Studies: The kids had a ton of fun participating in “The Case of the Missing Puppy” court case. It was a great culmination activity for our government unit. Below is a little snip-it of their performance.

“The Case of the Missing Puppy



We are taking some time to learn about animals. Even though there will be no report card grades for science, this unit is from the Common Core curriculum and will eventually be part of the third-grade requirements.

Reading: We finished reading and reporting on the book “The Jacket,” and now between testing the kids one last time on their reading levels, they will have an opportunity to read in mini book clubs or choose to read a book of their own interest independently.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. It is best to contact me via email. I check that frequently, so will be able to respond in a more timely manner.

Bitmoji Image Mrs. Flory

Classroom Happenings 5/6/19

Well, we made it through M-STEP. The kids all worked so hard. I am so proud of all of them. On to the final 5-week push to the end.

Thank you for sending in your child’s field trip money and for the tremendous response of volunteers. I wish we could take you all along, but I had to draw only four names to attend Meijer garden with us. All may join us at Hagar Park for lunch if the weather cooperates.

Math:  We will test on unit 7 on Wednesday and then go back to unit 5, which we skipped earlier. This unit will involve solving one and two step word problems with all four operations.

Writing: The plan is to finish our biographies this week. If your child is behind in his/her writing it will be coming home for them to finish up. We have been working hard researching a person in history and then writing about what we learned about them and now it is time to move onto our final unit. This unit will be asking the kids to take a stand on a public issue.

Biography Museum: A note went home last week about our upcoming museum. This event is looked forward to all year and always well loved by the kids. Please help your child be prepared for our museum which will be held on Tuesday, June 4 from 1:30 – 2:15.

Spelling: Your child should have brought home his/her spelling words on Friday. This weeks words(Week 24) focus on adding the suffixes y, al, able, and ible

The list is posted below.

Social Studies: The kids were very interested in the judicial branch and what goes on in the courtroom. So, we will be holding a mock courtroom trial this week called the “Case of the Missing Puppy”.



Reading: We are just about finished reading  The Jacket. It has been so fun reading aloud as a class to see the wonderful growth the kids have made with their reading this year.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. It is best to contact me via email. I check that frequently, so will be able to respond in a more timely manner.

Bitmoji Image Mrs. Flory

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